Our mission
Like many fellow sisters, the sisters and founders of Sorelle were largely unaware of the impact of hormonal fluctuations on their daily lives and activities for a long time.
Although the hormonal complaints and discomforts of puberty, pregnancy and the monthly cycle were always there, they never received conscious attention. They were part of it. Until the sisters were suddenly confronted with fatigue, lack of concentration, hair loss, worries and physical changes.
Marrit, a naturally cheerful optimist, saw obstacles everywhere, while Johanneke, even after her pregnancies still blessed with a flat stomach, struggled with a bloated feeling and gained weight around her stomach and breasts. It became clear that they were not themselves, and with Marrit's background as an orthomolecular therapist, the suspicion arose that these complaints might be related to the menopause. This despite the fact that they were only just in their forties!
In their search that followed, they spoke to experts and delved into everything available on menopause and menopause. They discovered that most women begin the transition to perimenopause between the ages of 40 and 45, and for about 10%, it happens even earlier. They focused on exploring research on dietary and lifestyle changes, medical interventions, and the use of supplements that can improve well-being during this phase.
The search for the ideal supplement proved to be a challenge, as many available products fell short in dosages and composition and did not match the modern, powerful image of women. This gave the sisters the conviction that something had to change. Driven by their different backgrounds as orthomolecular therapists and marketers, they joined forces and laid the foundation for Sorelle, 'sisters' in Italian.
A feminine supplement line composed by a team of experts, with only the most effective and high-quality herbs and mushrooms for all those naturally powerful women who want to regain or maintain their power. In times when things don't go by themselves, solidarity between women is essential. Sorelle stands for that mutual connection and support.
We got you